
Technical staff or the fresh engineers, who are newly engaged/associated for executing the specialized
tasks & responsibilities on smooth operations of any organization or R&D Centres, formal trainings of
paramount importance. Therefore to keep aligned and familiarized with the growing requirements for the
quality of product/services, it is necessary that every individual involved in production, assembling,, testing
or services of any product, s/he need to be formally trained like for On-the-job(OJT) training through the
qualified professionals and enhance the skills. Also young entrepreneur and professionals aspiring for higher career growth can fulfill their ambitions by specialized/professional training.
Therefore to address this issue, Classic Lab, conduct short-term specialized/customized training as per the requirements of the customer, in the field of testing of high-end products/ durable white goods/large appliances, as well as for calibration and up-gradation of product where Classic professionals are well experienced. Classic offers short duration training courses in specialized areas where such training do not are offered by Education institutes. The specialized training are conducted by the highly qualified and experienced professionals having expertise in the related field. Separate groups/ sessions are also conducted for larger industries and consultants on their request. After successful completion of training, the passed-out candidates are also guided for placements in the peer industry.